Miyake inflable hem dress Amended Condition ReportJune 22, 2007
After shooting the photos for the Condition Report I left the hem inflated and noticed that, after a while, it had deflated. I checked it and retested it and determined that the inflatble hem (which is an inner tube under the fabric) has a leak. This is not uncommon as the hem has been patched previously in another area.
The new leak will have to be patched, which is a relatively simple process ...
First, you will need to inflate the hem.
Then, to determine where the leak is, you submerge the hem in water (the dress is washable) and see where it bubbles.
Then, open the hem where bubbles occured and apply patch (an inner tube or bicycle patch should work nicely).
Then, reinflate the hem and make sure it doesn't leak.
Deflate the hem enough to reclose the fabric easily.
Reclose the fabric.
As the condition of the dress has changed since my original submission, if you still wish to acquire this piece I will make an adjustment in price to reflect the hem leakage.
To reflect the restoration work you will need to do I will adjust the price from $3,500 to $2,750.
Please advise.
Marilyn Glass